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Landscape - DdD Photography

Category: Landscape

  • Val d’Anniviers, Juillet 2018

    Val d’Anniviers, Juillet 2018

    “Pointes de Mourti”, 3,564m (11,693 ft) Moiry, Val d’Anniviers.   [EN] Sunday July 8th 2018, 8 people were climbing to the “Pointes de Mourti” in Moiry, Val d’Anniviers (about 9:50). They will recognize themselves, maybe… if you zoom you can   [FR] Dimanche 8 Juillet, 8 personnes étaient en train de grimper sur les Pointes…


  • Storm in July 2017

    Storm in July 2017

    On Sunday 30th of July, the storm arrived the evening. A good opportunity to take some shots. ” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]


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